Monday, February 06, 2006

To Wait On Elvis' Velvet Dragon

Well, Donald Miller's new book To Own a Dragon was released yesterday. This much anticipated book was being waited upon by a very anxious audience, including me. I couldn't find a store that had it yesterday. So I thought I would stop by the University bookstore on campus, I knew they would have it. When I went to the bookstore, however, I found no such long-awaited book; and no signs of it anywhere. When I inquired about said book, I was told the unfortunate news of its strange no-show. Apparently the printers printed the last chapter all wrong, making the released books unusable. The inquiree told me that she had to tear up and throw away all of the books she received. Alas, and there is no date in stone when these books are to be corrected and re-shipped. I must wait. In it's stead I will read Velvet Elvis by another author/speaker of note: Rob Bell (Pastor Mars Hill Church in Grand Rapids MI.).

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